Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the RIPLRT

Predict the new word you are going to type!

Did you know that the Big Data analysis of the RIPLRT also involves artificial intelligence approaches? Our principal investigator (Dr. Rivera-Mariani) has knowledge in implementing big data analytics to make predictions, such as attempting to predict the next word you are going to type (see below the app).

To develop this Word-Prediction app, Dr. Rivera-Mariani employed most of the different epycicles of data analysis:

  • developed a question: Can I predict the next word someone is going to type?

  • employed data cleaning…to arrange the data in a format that can be analyzed

  • performed exploratory data analysis…to identify patterns and determine if the data fits the question

  • developed a model…to predict the possible word that will be typed by someone

  • communicated the results…by publishing the app on the web


We challenge you that we can predict at least 6 to 7 out 10 “next words” you are about to type!

The text data to perform text mining, natural language processing, and predictive statistical models for this app originated from the following corpus: HC Corpora.

The R scripts employed to develop the app can be found here.

Author: Dr. Félix E. Rivera-Mariani

About the author: Dr. Félix E. Rivera-Mariani is the director and principal investigator of the RIPLRT. Click here to learn more about Dr. Rivera-Mariani.


The RIPLRT and MD Anderson Cancer Center


RIPLRT and Hurricane Maria, one year from the day!