The RIPLRT and Hurricane María

In collaboration with colleagues of the University of Puerto Rico (Dr. Humberto Cavallin [Principal Investigator] and Dr. Benjamín Bolaños [collaborator]), the University of Texas - Austin (Dr. Kerry Kinney [Co-Principal Investigator]Dr. Juan P. Maestre [collaborator], and Dr. Dennis Wylei [collaborator]), and the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico (Dr. Filipa Godoy-Vitorino[collaborator]), the RIPL_Effect research team of Larkin University recently were awarded a research grant (1R21ES029762-01) by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to address the respiratory health of occupants who experienced flooding during the devastating hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.


RIPLRT and Lush Award


The Epicycles of Big Data Analytics